Only added value for both sides leads to true success!

Provident fund

Yves Remelius

Provident fund

bacon pension trust AG ist in diesem Bereich mein zuverlässiger und erprobter Partner. Neben langjähriger Erfahrung des Unternehmens stimmt es auch auf persönlicher Ebene und das ist vorwiegend der Persönlichkeit des Vorstandvorsitzenden Frank Strehlau geschuldet – einem Hanseaten durch und durch, der die Werte der hanseatischen Kaufmannsgilde vertritt und für klare Worte steht.

bacon pension trust AG is completely insurance-free and - unlike many other providers - does not broker any financial or insurance products. The focus is purely on advice, which is provided exclusively by experienced specialists.

In summary, the lump-sum provident fund is about


  • a corporate bank without insurance
  • a flexible business management concept
  • one way of BAV - competitive advantage, liquidity advantage

In short, the provident fund is an ideal vehicle for tax effects.


bacon pension trust AG works with companies from a wide range of sectors. The size of the company is not relevant. The company's consultants initially take care of setting up and providing long-term advice on the so-called lump-sum endowed company fund with the help of the corporate cash fund® system. From a business point of view, this is the most successful approach to creating a company pension scheme.


Here you can find out more about the lump-sum provident fund or contact me for more information.

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