Only added value for both sides leads to true success!

LV revocation

Yves Remelius

LV revocation

Seit einem Urteil des Europäischen Gerichtshofs und folgenden Urteilen des Bundesgerichtshofes können Lebens- und Rentenversicherungen, die nach dem 01.01.1991 abgeschlossen wurden und bei denen die Widerrufsbelehrung mangelhaft war, rückabgewickelt werden. Dies bietet oft finanzielle Vorteile gegenüber einer Kündigung.
Prolonged periods of low interest rates pose challenges for many life insurers, which can affect the profitability of insurance contracts and lead to reductions in "guaranteed" benefits, often preventing the tax advantages of these products from being realized.

The most important thing:

  • Whoever is between the 29.07.1994 and 31.12.2012 eine Lebens- oder Rentenversicherung abgeschlossen hat kann diese oft noch rückabwickeln. 
    Ab 2005 können auch Basisrenten (nur Rürup-Renten) geprüft werden.
  • Many customers were not properly informed when the contract was concluded and can therefore object to the contract.
  • If your objection is successful, you will receive the premiums you have paid in addition to an average added value as compensation for use.
  • In addition, the 'perpetual right of objection' applies, i.e. even terminated or expired contracts can still be reversed years later.

Your requirements are good and you would like to initiate the revocation through us. How do you proceed?


You send us your documents.

  1. You can then download your initial customer information from our website and sign and return it to us.

In the next step, you will receive checklists, fill them out and send them back to us.

Are you interested?

Send me an inquiry via the contact form